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Kidogo Featured in Harvard ECD Course

Kidogo was invited to be a case study for the new ECD course launched at Harvard, Early Childhood Development: Global Strategies for Implementation.


The course is taught by Dr. Aisha Yousafzai, Associate Professor of Global Health, Department of Global Health and Population at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Other contributors to the course include experts in programs, policy and research including Dr. Marquita Davis, Deputy Director of Early Learning at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation speaking about Head Start; Dr. Christine Powell from the Caribbean Institute for Health Research at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica speaking about Reach Up; Sumitra Mishra, Executive Director of Mobile Creches; Marie Louise Samuels, Former Director Early Childhood Development in the Department of Basic Education in South Africa speaking about Grade R, and Claudia Andrea Zamora Reszczynski, Specialist in the National Team of Chile Crece Contigo at the Ministry of Social Development and Family of Chile speaking about Chile Crece Contigo.

Kidogo Featured in Business Fights Poverty Article

Kidogo’s Grant Manager and Martha Melesse from IDRC co-authored an article on COVID-19 recovery: Why childcare must be part of the plan in Business Fights Poverty.


The article discussed how childcare is an essential precursor to women’s economic empowerment.

Kidogo Featured in the Stanford
Social Innovation Review

Kidogo was featured in the Stanford Social Innovation Review as one of four promising social franchising organizations.



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